
New Docking Area

As has been mentioned in the past, finding areas with docks is a hit-or-miss exercise. They seem to exist at unlikely locations, not necessarily where one would expect, and not consistently with locations on charts. This makes it somewhat difficult to teach local knowledge-type activities except at a high level which is to be expected…

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Vessels and Situation Downloads Available

I’ll start out by wishing everyone a happy New Year, may 2025 be a year of good fortune for all! We’ve had a few requests from people about what we would recommend as an initial set of boats and scenarios, also called situations on the splash screen. We put together a couple of downloads that…

YouTube of a MuVIT Q&A Zoom session we did for United States Power Squadrons District 22

Not too long ago we did a Zoom session for the members of the MuVIT community within USPS District 22. It runs for close to an hour, is very informal, and covers a lot of subjects that people have questions about. It is mostly unedited except for some extraneous bits at the beginning and end….

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Adjusting a Vessel’s Throttle Performance

Can a vessel’s performance characteristics be altered? And what are the reasons for wanting to do so? The affirmative answer to this question exists for multiple reasons. Now, let’s explore the purpose and methods behind such modifications. One potential reason for adjusting the performance curve of the vessel is evident. Certain vessels have excessive power,…


Stop the Throttle Shuffle

Stop the Throttle Shuffle: Using Non-Skid Materials Keep Things in Place I think we can all admit that the 3D-printed throttle quadrants for the MuVIT virtual trainer are quite light. We have had a couple conversations with users who observed that while using the throttles they tended to slide around. This isn’t too surprising when…

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The Correct Joystick Configuration of Your MuVIT System

For this tutorial blog about joystick configuration, we will presume that you have all the essential parts of a MuVIT system ready to go. It could be useful to print the second half of this tutorial as there are cases where Virtual Sailor loses its configurarion and you need to reenter it. With this tutorial…

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Some DIYers having problems with Unified Remote

Some DIYers have reported having issues getting the Unified Remote app to work with their Virtual Sailor instance on their tablet. They are getting the “Can’t Sync” message or being unable to find the server . First, we would point out both products are complex with many moving parts, Unified Remote in particular can require…