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An updated tutorial on how to use tablets in MuVIT

The tablet is at the heart of the new MuVIT platform. Those who have a VRInsight console can continue to use that as we’ve documented. We’ve selected the 8.7″ Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite, which we will be offering when our store opens after the Annual Meeting in February. It will look very similar to…


Advantages of using boating simulation training in the classroom

Introduction Numerous interactive simulators exist which can be used to provide a learning environment for students which allows them to consider, evaluate and solve real-life scenarios they might face. The use of simulators is rapidly being recognized and integrated into many educational settings. In this article we will address boating simulation and how it can…

Some computers may require DirectX to be installed

When installing Virtual Sailor NG it is possible you will get the following message, particularly if you’ve never had any gaming software on your computer: In all likelihood reinstalling won’t help because if you don’t have DirectX installed it probably still isn’t there. But fear not, there is an easy fix for this problem. Before…

Report that windows blocked installing Virtual Sailor

We have received a report of windows blocking the installation of Virtual Sailor NG. Some anti-malware software such as the Windows Defender, which is very good but it has its own quirks, may erroneously flag Virtual Sailor NG as malicious or unknown software. This does not mean that the software is infected or malicious. In…

Hardware compatibility of wheels other than Logitech Wingman

We strive to provide a flexible and consistent operational platform for MuVIT. To that end, we have been testing additional wheels with MuVIT as the Logitech Wingman is a reasonably old product dating back to 2000. It is still functional and works well as a helm wheel. We also considered that there could be inventories…


Problem found with the VRInsight console and the workaround solution

We found there is an issue with the VRInsight console and the wheel sometimes not being detected by Virtual Sailor and being able to load the profiles for those devices. After a lot of testing, it was determined that if you wait until the computer is booted it is likely to have issues detecting those…

MuVIT Overview and capabilities of the Virtual Sailor software

I put together a YouTube video to show some of the more interesting features and capabilities of the Virtual Sailor software used by the MuVIT platform. This will demonstrate just how flexible and extendable this package is and some of the advanced capabilities built into the basic package. More tutorials to follow.

A brief tutorial on configuring MuVIT’s new software to work with the VRInsight console

We put together a brief tutorial about how to configure the Virtual Sailor NG software to work with the VRInsight console. We know that quite a few systems are out there that use this hardware and rather than causing an obsolescence issue with that rather expensive piece of hardware with the new software, here are…

The new version of MuVIT was unveiled at the Annual Meeting

We’re back from the Annual Meeting and starting a new MuVIT blog. MuVIT has retired the ShipSim software after numerous issues and has now migrated to Virtual Sailor NG, a much more advanced platform with more features and capabilities. Among the new tools is a RADAR simulation which several people noted had sufficient capabilities built…